
Here you’ll find updates on research projects and news of any upcoming events & publications.

SCAS Talks Podcast

SCAS Talks Podcast

I talked about the global history of potatoes with Natalie von der Lehr, from the Swedish Collegium of Advanced Studies, for an episode of the SCAS Talks podcast.

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Christmas Drinks

Christmas Drinks

Earlier this month I discussed the history of mulled wine and other Christmas drinks for Resonate Festival. The talk is now free to watch on YouTube. Grab a glass and hear how these drinks have been part of Christmas celebrations over the centuries!

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Potatoes in a Pandemic

Potatoes in a Pandemic

‘Baked potato saved my life’, sang Matt Lucas, in a fundraising video for the NHS that brought smiles to faces across the UK. The joyful silliness helps explain its appeal. Of course a baked potato can’t save anyone’s life. Or can it?

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