War & Revolution in Spanish America
Much of the ‘Age of Revolution’ between the 1770s and the 1840s took place in Spanish America. I’ve written about Colombia’s war of independence from Spain, as well as the impact of the French Revolution in Spanish America. I’ve also studied small-scale local uprisings in colonial Colombia, and edited a collection of essays about civil wars across nineteenth-century Latin America.

Francisco de Goya, ‘Y no hai remedio’ [And Nothing Can Be Done’], 1810-20, National Galleries Scotland.
All Relevant Publications
Year | Category | Publication Type | Title | Publisher | Link |
2011 | Scholarship | Book Chapter | La iconografía de la independencia en la Nueva Granada in Cartagena de Indias en la Independencia | 2011 | Link |
2010 | Scholarship | Book Chapter | The French Revolutionary Wars in the Spanish-American Imagination, 1789-1830 in War, Empire and Slavery, 1770-1830 | Palgrave Macmillan | Link |
2008 | Scholarship | Book | The Return of the Native: Indians and Myth-Making in Spanish America, 1810–1930 | Duke University Press | Link |
2002 | Scholarship | Book Chapter | The Role of Print in the Spanish-American Wars of Independence in The Political Power of the Word | University of London/Institute of Latin American Studies | Link |
2001 | Scholarship | Journal Article | Creole Patriotism and the Myth of the Loyal Indian | Past & Present 172 | Link |
2000 | Scholarship | Edited Volume | Rumours of War: Civil Conflict in Nineteenth Century Latin America | University of London/Institute of Latin American Studies | Link |
2000 | Scholarship | Book Chapter | Rape and the Anxious Republic. Revolutionary Colombia, 1810-1830’, in Hidden Histories of Gender and the State in Latin America | Duke University Press | Link |
2000 | Scholarship | Book | Spain and the Independence of Colombia | Liverpool University Press | Link |
1999 | Scholarship | Book Chapter | Popular Participation in the Wars of Independence in New Granada in Rethinking the Independence of Spanish America: Perspectives and Problems | University of London/Institute of Latin American Studies | |
1996 | Scholarship | Journal Article | A Grave for Europeans?’: Disease, Death, and the Spanish-American Revolutions | War in History 3:2 | Link |
1994 | Scholarship | Journal Article | The Spanish Political Crisis of 1820 and the Loss of New Granada | Colonial Latin American Historical Review 3:3 | Link |
1993 | Scholarship | Journal Article | Indian Rebellion and Bourbon Reform in New Granada: Riots in Pasto, 1780–1800 | Hispanic American Historical Review 73:1 | Link |
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